These are excerpts from some of the personal messages I've received along the way which Spirit has told me would be well to include here as it may be of help others.

[I'm including this message as it demonstrates the subtle potentials that lie in the choices we make. This is the story: I had set up an appointment to get wheels and larger tires for my jeep. Initially I opted for 4 wheels and tires rather than 5 as I already had a spare, albeit a smaller size, and...
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  [Who/what has the ability to change a soul's life plans for a lifetime?] It is not possible to change anything unless there is agreement all around. Those who have participated in agreements would be held to those. Those who have not, would not. It is fairly simple in this respect for a soul ...
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We say to you, integrate all that is known about you at this time. Integrate it within the being so that it does not have reference points within which to dissuade you from thinking much about it. With this integration will be seen its usefulness in future endeavors as all will be internalized and r...
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[Could you help me understand the numbers a little better. I was told to use them as symbols and put them together. Can you clarify this please?] We will say this, when numbers appear to you it is significant, inasmuch as we would say, significant in their meaning where one number would mean this an...
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[I'm feeling off and notice I can't seem to control ego's judgement mechanism. It's really awful. What to do about this please?] We say it's not about you in this case, It's about something else entirely. We see the predicament you are in and say to watch it closely for when the time is right it wil...
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[I feel like I'm off my game. Not sure what has happened. Can you help with understanding?] Yes we can. We see this about you, those things which render harm about you but this is not the only thing we see, for...
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