"As you move through your day, notice what is really there, not what you want to be there."

Go Within

Go Within

You know for yourself, this is the way to go, regardless of circumstances around you. At this time we witness those things to come forward once again, to distinguish between those who do not, an...

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  194 Hits

Government Disruption

Government Disruption

At this time it is necessary to discuss with you the essential treaties in place to disrupt those forms of government, seen here and now and discussed earlier. As we move toward this time we enf...

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  245 Hits

The Aftermath - Exercises in Futility

The Aftermath - Exercises in Futility

We are going to start here for you know full well the aftermath seen here and Above. At that time you know as well, those who do not rescind their powers to themselves invariably do more harm th...

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  262 Hits

The Future of Complacency & Aquiescence


[This message references a future accounting of those who forgo their own sovereignty in favor of acquiescence to those they imagine have authority over them - The Powers that Be.] It is time to...

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  352 Hits

As Chaos Resumes

As Chaos Resumes

It is told to us by Above, that all these things that come to pass will be evoked by that which calls itself, God Almighty. As this is the case, we warn you now to stay seated for the following ...

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  304 Hits

Global Warming

Global Warming

As you know, detrimental consequences are about to emerge for you and others which are related to this concept of 'global warming'. Aforementioned statements about this have not been made at thi...

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  398 Hits

Giving Credit


  We will begin here, for it is here that the story begins. As we say over and over, it's not what you do that counts, it's how you do it. This is well and good to understand, but in and of itself it does no good without implementation within the being. It is here that all is sanctified, on the...

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  196 Hits

Event on the Horizon

Event on the Horizon

[I asked for clarification of this message and what it was referencing, and Spirit replied:] It is here you are to do your best, for explaining further could prove detrimental overall. [And so, ...

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  252 Hits

Social Decline

Social Decline

It is seen during these days ahead, foreclosed events to leave you in wonder of how and why it all occurred. It is shown here exactly what is to transpire and it is said early on, to take care of...

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