"Relinquish all thoughts. Let them subside."
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The Aftermath - Moving Forward

The Aftermath - Moving Forward



Let us start. It is time to discuss with you the aftermath of all things seen so you can interpret the activities of those around you with clarity of vision. We see this clearly... At the outset we inform, to convince one and all to determine for themselves the outcome so desired. It appears here are those mostly interested in themselves, although on a higher level than normal. It is here we wish to exclude all those who do not understand what has occurred at the outset, for they have disqualified themselves moving forward, for they know not the actions needed to continue on. With that in place we will continue with this subject.

It appears many [are] apprehensive to what has happened. In that state of mind we remind you to take cause with yourself and understand that which has occurred must occur. It must, no two ways about it. At this time also we reference those whose stubborn nature prevails, and quite honestly subsidizes all decisions based on compartmentalization of all information. Here we reference bad behavior as all is not found as it is. Here too, many are compulsory of that which cannot be changed. That will do nothing in the interim, indeed.

And then we have perhaps the most startling of them, [those] who insist on crossing all obstacles with their front turned backwards. Perhaps this is the most disturbed accounting, however seen, [and] we advise no one to back up into any situation presented to you at this time. It is apparent that to do this marks ingrained incognizance of what has occurred. 

So we tell you these things to mark before you the nature of those [things] seen as you make amends with all coming forward to greet you at this time. It is well aware of the prognosis used to thwart all efforts of that ever happening, yet too it understands its place among the living - to detrimentally pull the rug out from beneath the feet of those so inclined to dismiss the attitude in which Self contains all, and this is seen formidably perched on society's shoulders at this time, to remind them once again it is of no avail to continue without the light of the One Above, within which all will flourish one more time for humanity at large.

A New World Emerging
Reports from the Aftermath (of World Collapse)

Comments 1

Guest - Ruth on Monday, 18 December 2023 13:40

Thanks Edward. Hopefully there will be humans left to flourish in the aftermath

Thanks Edward. Hopefully there will be humans left to flourish in the aftermath
Sunday, 09 March 2025