At this time we reference within all things, that which counts. Above all things said, this is what is most important of all. Doing what you can to facilitate the movement forward will aid greatly, the necessity of having this come forward, indeed. You too, wonder how all this can be, f...
133 Hits
[In this message Spirit speaks of those here on Earth on the mission of assistance during the period of transition, and of those folks who care not at all.] As you know, all about you will change. As this is seen it detrimentally will impact those around you. To do this unequivocally se...
215 Hits
The Forerunners are those who came before and designated those within whom were to be considered for work that involves a multitude of formats, as it were. Those who were chosen set forth on a journey to strengthen their sense of purpose and might to withstand all that was to come their way. ...
386 Hits