

At this time we reference within all things, that which counts. Above all things said, this is what is most important of all. Doing what you can to facilitate the movement forward will aid greatly, the necessity of having this come forward, indeed. You too, wonder how all this can be, for it was designated a long time ago that this come to pass, in an effort to bring what is known as complacent behavior to an end on this planet.

 As you know, complacency is the bane of all existence here on planet Earth. Long strides were taken to ensure this would never become a reality here and now. However we see differently, as all about you is abloom with complacent behavior, enamored with their own well-wishes about them.

At the outset too, we saw this occurring, yet knew also nothing could be done about it, so we determined ways in which to bypass the situation by bringing to the front those who knew how to do things without servitude. Those folks are here now, awaiting contact with Above. We ensure this will happen by making do with what we have and bringing that forward to ensure all goes well in the future of things here on Earth.

It has been a process which has taken time and spanned a lot of operations, yet here we are, ready to go. It is said when all is said and done there will be many about you who are able to comfort the needy at this time. All in all, we see great reference to this actually taking place as we speak, as we enact within the means by which this all comes forward. Initially the process has had shortcomings and was slow. Now however, we have a different scenario for all are ready to go at the drop of a hat. We say that full well you do not understand the implications involved in making progress in a manner such as this. Do what can be done to honor this Within and we will see to it that all becomes what [it] should in the days to come.x

Moving Forward


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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