"Cast aside all doubts. There is no room for them here."
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Moving Forward

Moving Forward

At this time we wish to inform that all is not well in the arena of man. Little has been said however. Now the precipice is upon you and determined folks need be up at arms for themselves in particular. As this is said, know well before you stands that which proclaims itself messenger of the gods, in a way that defies explanation. We say this at this time to confirm - Within [the Inner Being] is held back under these circumstances, when all before you dictates policies by which there is no regard for what is true and what is false. To distribute these erroneously marks ineptitude glorified and disturbs the peace within, for we see that clearly.

As it is now we tell you, you must concede to yourself Within. It is the only way out of all that surmounts you. As you do this be aware it will all suffice in ways that are unknowing at this time. Lest all be told backwards and upside down, we encourage all of you to beware the prospects emerging at this time, to take precedence at a slightly later time. It adheres to no precept within which you are found to flourish. On the other hand, you are destined to manipulate situations until a solution is found, whereby you are allowed to return to home.

In and of itself we reference that as many care not repeat the findings of a lifetime here on planet Earth, and request to be seen without hindrance at all. As this is moved forward know well and good, this will come to be for those so inclined to spread love far and wide amongst friends and enemies alike. It is here all flourish, not just the self-involved in spreading such documents of life.

Here we applaud those in favor of bringing forward suitable measures by which to live once again, freely and with purpose in mind. It is here all excels and brings creation to a new stead of being. In and of itself this is destined to occur. You know that for yourself as you will partake of all that is talked about here for a length of time. We see that clearly. At this time also be reminded, to do this is part of the scheme at this time to bring all ahead once again. As you move through this time, be aware all is not well where the folks live who are not involved in such festivities.

Bearing Witness


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Sunday, 09 March 2025