Messages concerning world events, including people, structures and activities.

It is seen far and above what would be known as intrinsically yours, those things which incorporate into themselves the light of life supreme. Inasmuch as this is seen from here, it goes without recognition when the timing is right for you all to witness. When this occurs the heavens will break loos...
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This is the first of several wake up calls that have been given by Spirit. Here is the message, which began from the following comment I made to Spirit about watching world events being thrown b...
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When all is said and done we would like to say, watch these things for they bear testament to the all-inclusiveness we speak about so often. There is in the making that which will adhere to sanctions put forth ...
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We say this in light of things to come for you in this time of upheaval witnessed on your planet. It behooves no one to take lightly what is about to occur, for within it lay the keys to freedoms...
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To dissuade one in the midst of awakening to Self are seen those obstacles which seem to implore diversity at its roots. We say, all above board will understand in their own way, what it means to employ such ta...
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We would like to tell you of a time, before Christ, when those who fought for righteousness were punished for doing so. You see, these were times run amok, with contributions from settlers outside their class o...
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