Chaos & Corruption - Disclosing Humanity's Shadow
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We say this in light of things to come for you in this time of upheaval witnessed on your planet. It behooves no one to take lightly what is about to occur, for within it lay the keys to freedoms lost worldwide, and it is in your best interest to continue forward in assimilating this message with all others to give the viewpoint that is ever so necessary to recognize in these times. We say to all around you at this time, wake up! Wake up to the truth of your being else all matters naught.
In these times much is seen in the light of things to come that will avail to those who hear these words - safety and seclusion in the heart of all things necessary to survive in times such as these. It behooves no one to continue forward without considering the multitude of effects coming your way to disengage a population from itself in no uncertain terms. We say this as a matter of fact for we know within our scope of vision lies that which will usurp the Kingdom of God and his children in circumstances beyond the control of many who would like to continue in like manner to what they've been doing all along - giving their power away at a moment's notice, unhinged and unleashed between a rock and a hard place - within which it will be found to be of like kind for them.
To do this, to acquiesce in this manner brings all sorts of difficulties to the forefront of operations for the soul in question. There are mega-blasts of infamous things on the horizon to dissuade anyone from averting their course of action less than they are told what is appropriate. All things considered, we are at a time of upheaval and in that stead is seen wondrous occurrences of plights gone bad [things exposed]. These occurrences speak to each of what is harbored inside - deep, dark secrets to Self that implore you to take them out for review. Instead, most will continue along their way, unheeded in the call for inward thinking of what went wrong in times past to adjust themselves so ludicrously in the hands of others who say nothing positive about you. You are treated as commodities, rendered for that which will serve the greater whole of a scheme gone very bad for the people who play a part in it.
It is in this light that we see those involved in the demise of a population ridden with doubt and misfortune at their feet, where all is lost unto them in these times of presupposing one knows better than Self the remedy needed at hand. To those who doubt the efficacy of what we say, we say good, go within and see what you find there, waiting to envelop the soul lost at sea. We say this also for in times such as these it behooves no one to continue on the path of destruction we see so prevalent in today's world.
It is not without cause to do so for within all men, lying under cover is that which you seek, ready to greet you with open arms before all is said and done. In these times the error of your ways must be seen and enhanced so the viewing is correct, in and of the fact that no man put asunder that which he believes is lacking with Self. These myths were put before you to enable you to misconstrue the issue at hand. Believe as you will about yourself for as you believe so it will be done for you and for all others who survive on this planet.
In fact, as we are looking at this deep within structures in space lay the requisite key to enable you success in your venture. It is here where precepts lie to take you home when the time is right. You just have to ask that they be given to you and in a moment's notice they will be yours to act upon and bring them into yourself in the recognition of the glory that is yours, waiting inside for its discovery.
These things bode well for those interested in making a way out for themselves during these times for it is seen many will fail to understand the issue at hand here and what is required to move through it unscathed and intact, ready to meet your brothers and sisters without whom all would be barren and empty of life giving credence to those things which matter most to the soul above all else.
Heed these instructions for they lie within the precepts of antiquity for those who wish to meet themselves head on. No other task matters in the times to come. No other task proves as fruitful for those with the courage to seek that which has been there all along, waiting for discovery within.