"However difficult this may be, it is of no avail to give up."
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The Prospects of a Soulless Society

The Prospects of a Soulless Society


youtube[I wonder about the potential move to a soulless society. It seems much is in the works lately to that end.]

We say this about that. Fear not for whatever transpires in this arena will be met with forceful conclusions from the One Above. This is dangerous territory to be sure but we say as there is hope among you that these events, these things come to pass only with the precognition of others who assume the worst for society and mankind. It is not of the making of others that this would come about so we say worry not about this, it will not affect you nor others that are cared for at this time.

We see the concerns as an adjunct to other things that must be addressed and in this we know what is relevant and what must be dealt with. Humanity is at a crossroads for sure. The decisions made at this time are pertinent at a base level and of this we concur that what time is left would be well spent in endeavors in upliftment. With this said it is importune to expect less from those in power to do that which they are expected to do for their lives are on the line for doing so and we say when and of the occurrences beheld by those in power, it behooves them to act with regularity in intention as anything less is deemed treasonous behavior at best.

So in these times take your best foot forward and let the cards fall where they may as all is not over yet. It will be seen the outcome of all this in the not to distant future.


The Powers that Be Disconnected
Changing Soul Plans


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Sunday, 09 March 2025