Messages of clarity, directed to those for pondering and contemplating a deeper understanding of themselves, the forces at play and the situations presented to them.

We know you are wondering how all this came to be, here at this time when all is seen through the lens of darkness within. These times are run amok with misgivings and misfortune for those involved with seeing ...
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Before we start let it be known among you lie those things which seem irrelevant at this time, but we assure you they are not. In this reference are those things which incorporate a splendid ven...
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  We say this in light of things to come for you in this time of upheaval witnessed on your planet. It behooves no one to take lightly what is about to occur for within it lay the keys to freedoms lost wor...
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We will tell you of this. In fact, when we see this we laugh for it includes that which we saw hundreds of years ago, played out the same way. We speak of those occurrences that uphold the light within those fo...
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  Today is the day for thoughtful recognition of that which is located within, the heart of all matters, for within the soul of man lies that which forever wonders where and when it shall be received. Harnessed within that structure lie precepts of antiquity, barren reminders of souls lost...
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You know from before mentioned things that among you lie keys, set in place by those who watch everything, that will free you from yourselves and those whose moniker is 'The Powers that Be'. We say this because...
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