Messages of clarity, directed to those for pondering and contemplating a deeper understanding of themselves, the forces at play and the situations presented to them.

At this time we talk about That Which Counts.* It is known to us that nothing else matters. As this is the case we inform you now of things to pass that merit no consideration about them, lest d...
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It is time to discuss with you The Aftermath of all things seen. As you know, it is about to get difficult. As you know also, these things are not to be taken lightly. As we move through this ti...
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Let us continue, for as you know and are well aware of, these things coming to you are full of life-bearing consequences. We see you here, poised on the brink of annihilation/destruction, knowin...
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It is seen at this time many things to come forward for you and others alike. In fact, it won't be long at all before all comes to fruition. As we have said this before, it is imperative to disc...
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It is said, as all this continues we can hope for change. In and of this truth we advise those about you to continue forward. At long last, it is imperative to concede all sources of life to tha...
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At this time we reference again that which counts in the scheme of things.* It is no accident this is purged from the memory of mankind. It was seen from the beginning just how this was to take ...
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