The Inner Work

The Inner Work

As you know and are well aware of, your conclusions about things are errorous in their ways. This is seen far and wide across the planet as all situations are fostered forward through the lens of deceit. As this is the case, it behooves you one more time to do the best possible chance of what is actually occurring, in a way that fosters growth on your part. We say this unequivocally, that to do so requires effort. It is this effort that brings results when the chips are down.

We are required of only one thing here, and that is to demonstrate, Within is the place to go to satisfy all situations about you. We say this over and over and over again, however, to what avail? It is apparent many are taking their own time in this endeavor, and requisites for approach are diminishing in the background. It is apparent also that to assist those about you with sufficient courage to betray themselves, it is seen, optimally so, to encourage them forthright is appropriate at this time.

We say to you, now is the time to venture forth, within yourselves, to view the expanse held within and the nature of all that put forth to you on a daily basis. It is here your life shines with excitement and flourishes in no uncertain terms. It is here all rest lies, subterfuged only by that which is favorable and sweet to the touch and all senses of being. It is here you will find yourselves immersed in a playful attitude, succumbing to no one but your own Self inside. It is here where all miracles are wrought and here too where all desperations are found astray, without merit. As it is known the truth of all this, we say to you one more time, GET UP AND DO YOUR WORK.

It is apparent many do not understand the implications at this time of setting forth in a wilderness without proper authority or grounding. It will not work. So it is here all light turns dim when not seen through the eyes of the beloved Self of All. Here you come to lie, barren and reprieved of all consequences. This is your natural state, the one in which you have strayed from long, long ago. It is time to reprieve the situation here and now, not later down the tracks. It is here you must endure the throes of darkness spun upon you long, long ago, to include yourself in no uncertain scope of being. At long last it will be seen from Within that all is seen through a relish for existence, appreciation of its value, and discernment for all good and holy prevails.

This is not an abstract concept. This in truth, is the nature of yourself, vivid and unprecedented. It is time to bequeath to yourself the nature of that held Within.  It will do you no harm, be assured of that, however, do your best to concede within these walls of glory, so bound for existence. Do not wait any longer. Time is short, the goal awaits. It is to your best interest to comply, within which you will find your own Self, waiting as it were, for your own reflection to come forth.

Here you have it, plain and simple. Yet in any case, what is seen is found, in which case we assure you, nothing was impossible after all.

Temptation, Choices & Elements of Being
The Children


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