
Reinvigorate Your Past

Reinvigorate your past. Bring it forward and see it in a sublime way. It is not for you to fix, as it were, but to study the reactions that prevailed at the time. Know these were only reactions which could have been many. See what they say about you.
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  237 Hits
237 Hits

The Great Cycles

The great cycles that occur are known by the effects they bring upon human kind. With all that occurs in the event we tell you it might be construed as faulty but it is not. It manifests from within, within each and every one of you before time allows it to cease. Nomads, great sages knew of the eff...
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  1129 Hits
1129 Hits

Preponderance of the Great

  What if all that befell you was in error? What would you do? Regardless, it is not yours, it is someone else's. How to feel, above board? So we say to you be careful, you do not know what is before you. All in all, complacency rises and you will be without. Above all, be forewarned, inasmuch ...
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  830 Hits
830 Hits

About these Messages

  Humanity is at a precipice. It now has the unique opportunity to free itself from its created past and the chains of the deceitful and abusive system that has kept it bound and ensnared for millennia. However, humanity must make a choice - either to maintain the present course and continue to...
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  4231 Hits
4231 Hits