"There is no difference between you and others than opinions floating through the air."
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Vaccine Addendum III - Troubled Times

Vaccine Addendum III - Troubled Times

youtubeSuffice it to say there are things on the horizon that warrant your attention at this time. When it is said, beware, we mean to include all avenues of approach to include those things which remedy the situation at hand. In and of this we see much regret activated as a result of these vaccine shots in the not too distant future.

These folks, as you know, care less about you. In fact, that you have to be dealt with at all is an utter nuisance to them for they have forthrightly claimed their superiority some time ago. At this time, now and again we see this mentality creep forward within their ranks and subterfuge the entire thing, all to their liking. At this time there is much gone awry in the arena of medical science. Little do they know about the commodity of their actions that will give bearing to lawsuits in the not too distant future times of this fiasco.

Now, however, there are other things that are needing attention for all around us it is seen the heavy handed approach given to all to succumb to that which has little to offer in the way of health and well being, yet succumbs the being to unaffordable measures of inadequacy in the interim. These things are not easily taken nor endured by the physical mechanism as they were never designed in a way to include what it is they are trying to put into them. This is unheard of in past times and now we see it as a final act of desperation of sorts, to see them through to their end game.

So we say to you at this time it is necessary to think well before acting here and now. There are too many considerations at stake to do otherwise. What may befall one will not befall another so it is imperative to do your own due diligence, as it were. Never has there been a time of such deceit, such a rollover of times past where all was said and done at the edict of one individual. These times are nearing again and we say beware and be prepared as you have no idea how this will play out in the long run. Take the time necessary to acquaint yourselves with that which is necessary for survival and take that with you wherever you are, well taken care of by virtue of your own common sense thinking which will serve you well at this time.


Caution - Lunacy Ahead
The One in All - A Practice


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Sunday, 09 March 2025