"It is not about what you think, it is about what is. That is the nature of being. Use it to your advantage."
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Update December 14, 2021


We tell you again, it is not about to get any easier. As a matter of fact it is seen at this time the demise of those so inclined to have themselves skewered as it were, bereft of those things to move them forward in life's many ways. Here, actually, are those whose judgment, clouded with dismay, suits them well as they are inclined in any case to act without reason or cause to that which manifests itself to them, unquestioning everything.

The people of the world know no better than to act as if they were the criminal element of a societal structure, always offering themselves up to scrutiny of those in power for no good reason other than to defend their own position of inadequacy gone awry. Here we say the trouble begins, for as they consume more and more of the Powers that Be storylines, they erupt at random with stories and considerations to mark them through the current situational crisis brought upon them. In this way all are designed for recluse in the interim of all things gone bad within their heart and soul as well.

In no time indeed, we will see a plethora of individuals falling ill as it were, with conditions worth noting, for as they consider the reasons for their demise they will certainly overlook the one due cause, and that being of course, the means by which they are currently participating in this charade with all they've got to offer. When this is done we see them scattering a bit to the wind, doing their best to insulate themselves once more from that which is never ending in their minds and succumb to a new level of 'low' on the charts, as it were, plagued with this or that in the aftermath of a situation designed to kill those with an upper hand in no time at all.

Here you will find those in charge leaving at a rapid rate and this will indeed change the narrative one more time. The folks in charge have no knowledge of the powers that control their soul during these times and during these times it is seen the assistance given to control them and to remove them from office here and now. This will be tell tailing it as it will be in the months to come. As we see it, there will be little left to dissuade a population of its own rights in the months to come, yet it will prove more difficult to manage as all bequeaths upon itself the demise of a nation upon itself and it is here tenuous situations lie for all to be concerned about, for no one knows for sure what will be occurring during these times.

Let it be said however, there will be much to come for those whose caring has long since left them. It is here the demise of cities and countries at long last be found, where no one is the wiser for it, until that point in time when all is said and done and the country rests, replete of all dignity once given to it. Here all will lie, barren and replete of all life giving energies at that time, for it was ordained to do so. And so it is once again ordained in the annals of time, secluded from those who knew no better than give their lives for a charade of experience that knows no better itself than to run with the wind and above all, discontinue all truths about itself in the wake of an enterprise long lost to those who built it.

It is here we see all piling up at last, into the hearts of those who care less about all of it and in this way reach new heights of awareness about how all this came to be at one time, long ago, when all was ripe for the picking. And it was here all truth lie buried for a time indeed.

When Darkness Comes to Light
The Return of the Brethren


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