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Global Chaos Increases

Global Chaos Increases
When all is said and done, and in the meantime, we see many occurrences of fourfold treachery whereby those in power relinquish control, somewhat, to those who have the reigns to do what they will. This will ensue all kinds of misgivings and misfortune as those who control these things will be at the end of their rope in a manner of speaking, and these people will know no less than they are told outright in those things that are requisite for formidable occurrences of mishaps all around.
The control they wield is misappropriated at best, and in these enterprises it is seen one mishap after another until that point where all that is seen is not at all understood by the general public. It is to these ends we say watch out and be careful for you know not which way the tide is going to turn for you or anybody else.​
It is in these times when all is seen to happen abruptly and without cause, such that those who make decisions are totally on their own and know not how all was fit together before, so chaos ensues all around for everybody. These things are not of the type of occurrences that render inactive the Powers that Be. In fact, they do their part in playing into the hands of others who will usurp that instance of insanity to render their own status equivalent or better than what it had been.​
These times will play an important role in deciding which way all will go. And when the general populace determines these [events] to be sanctioned by all, the demise of those [people] will soon follow for the people know no better than to place their trust in those who would betray them outright. And when this occurs others will make do with what they have to further ensnare the masses.
The Voice of Reason
The Demise of the Inner Circle


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Sunday, 09 March 2025