By Edward on Friday, 05 March 2021
Category: World Stage

The Advent of Mortal Man

We would like to tell you of a time long ago when all was not right with the universe. During these times was sought that which would propel those in charge into units of being, whereby they could ascend the ladder of beingship in ways that were not of the making of individuals who sought special favors granted to them for performing tasks to include those around them from making decisions contrary to popular belief at the time.

You see, when all this happened the universe was fresh and alive with those souls who could make things happen at a moment's notice and we say this was well and good at the time. But as things progressed forward in time there were those who insisted on being part of the throes of darkness to enable them to act without recourse to those above, in ways that were not fitting in the scheme of things.

So it was seen a divergence from the One to many who would include different avenues of approach into their arenas of darkness and incited riots and the sort to continue a mission leading to the downfall of a population into the depths of being known as mortal man. It is here you find yourself today, intact and blossoming forth in ways you cannot imagine for we see from above that which will entail in the wake of all this.

It is said when one finds their way out of this created mess the heavens rejoice and that is indeed true for man has long since held onto the belief of his insuperiority over others who would do him harm. It is here that we say all fields play out equally as one individual can move mountains when all is said and done. Here lies that which is at stake for within the walls of consciousness lie the precepts to set man free of himself and this is one sure method of accomplishing that. We say to you now is the time to envelop such proceedings within yourself to set yourself free of all this mess. It is yours for the asking....ask and you shall receive.

[How to proceed?]

Know well that is within you, waiting for your arrival to it. Then, make the effort to control all that which is peripheral to it, that includes watching TV and the like. Get down to business, do it for yourself and it will be yours. We know this is a fact. Absorb it and act upon it.

[What about online activities?]

These are OK to a minimum, but don't spend your entire day there. These things need conviction of intent and purpose and we rely on your knowing the usefullness of these.

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