By Edward on Saturday, 27 November 2021
Category: World Stage

PTB Update - Nov. 27, 2021

We know at this time there is much ado and consideration about that which you know to be evil at heart, and we say this consideration indeed, is one of a myriad that needs attention at this time. Let it be said and forewarned against that there is much travail ahead in ways you cannot imagine. And we say this to you to consider the outcome before it approaches you head on, for there are those here and now who consider themselves above board in all things, yet it is seen the treachery that lies in their hearts - full of abuse are those in charge of humanity at this time.

This does not bode well for any and we say to consider the outcome will bring to you the end results, seen and heard about for decades. The time is now to consider the outcome as all will not go well when this begins and it is seen here and now, the temptation to put behind you all that has occurred. However, you know not how all that is to be played forward from here on out, and we say take heed of this as in actuality, there is much [more] similarity involved than you would think.

Take into consideration all you've seen and heard. This is the beginning. Now move it forward and you have the end result, long sought after in the eyes of those who control a nation at their fingertips. It is paramount to consider this aptitude to development*, and in this way you will succeed in all that comes your way. Far be it from us to consider what is best for you as you know well yourself what that might be, yet consider for yourself the aftermath of a situation gone awry with splendor and trepidation and you have a mess on your hands. So we say to you, lay off thinking about that which counts little in the scheme of things and focus attention on that which matters most of all, and we know what that is [The One Above].

*This aptitude is a developmental one of being able to grasp the end result before it happens based on what has already happened. In this way sound choices are made as the end is already in view, as opposed to choices made otherwise, with the potential of being taken by a surprise ending that can be totally ruinous in nature.

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