By Edward on Saturday, 11 December 2021
Category: World Stage

PTB Update - December 11, 2021

We say to you it is not about to get easier in the world of remorse gone rampant with disclosures and such. This itself is a part of the process and we see included in that, spectacles of sadness and remorse that compromise none seen to date. It is here all tales lie for beneath these things of demise are seen squalor and putrid behaviors of those long thought to be immune from such things. In the aftermath you will find those who are most noteworthy will, in fact, be bequeathed with justice unlike any seen before, with all relegated to one single cause - that of being known as the one who got away with it all.

Here we have the truth of the matter at heart. There was never any inclination to do harm to those folks as it were, but a spectacle of them confessing their sins does much to dissuade a population from thinking the worst about their situation from a governing standpoint. Here it is said while all crumbles beneath your feet don't forget to look above you to see what, in actuality, is occurring to dissuade you from looking up in the first place. It is here you will find the answers to questions long wondered by those who see nothing positive to gain from all this charadery.

Perchance it will do you well to consider yourself fortunate indeed to have succumbed in this way to powers that, inasmuch as they could care less about you, hold you to the succinct practice to tell no tales otherwise. It is here many fail to realize the implications set forth from the edicts issued in their favor for they see no one accountable for anything, and in this way continue their escapades of experience in droll and compromised manners.

Here we have it all too well spelled out for anyone to ascertain the truth behind the situation, yet no one really ventures there to continue their quest of understanding how all this is put together. Instead they delegate and abdicate all information to sources that fail the fire of indulgences seen on a personal level, caught off guard only briefly to discern the aptitude of their ability to hide more than they already have.

These systems in place can no longer support the clear amount of treasonous and succinctly demonic behavior seen throughout the lands. These days are coming to a close rapidly and indeed, many will find themselves left out in the cold as it were, when they wake up to find out the world they thought they were living in has perished once more, and in and of this it is seen many do not survive the turn of the ages into those arenas where all is accounted for and all is seen with relevance and caring for others and yourselves. It is here all are headed, in one way or another and we say this to you now. It is important that you consider these outcomes for yourself to do with what you will, as all is seen from above and all is granted below so that you are able to make the decisions necessary to foster an existence to behold the sanctity of life and its creatures for all to cherish and enjoy in the days to come.

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