By Edward on Tuesday, 27 July 2021
Category: World Stage

Mishaps of Power

With all that is said and done, now is the time, indeed, to come forward for you. In this subterfuge that is seen there are no exits to be considered viable at this time. They are covered up, as it were, to prevent discovery thereof so the Powers that Be can utilize them later, when necessary for them to flee with information vital to their success. When this occurs, and it will, we see a plethora of vehicles leaving the scene and when they do they will have left behind a conglomerate mess of a situation needing much help.

We have said this before, and inasmuch as it is heard, these beings do not care one way or another about those things that are prerequisites for your well being. There is no reason for them to do so. They are incarnate for the sole purpose of fulfilling their mission and that includes the demise of the human civilization system. These beings once knew what it meant to be discrete in their dealings. They also knew the order in which things were to occur for their brethren to succeed with what was planned. These beings also have seen fit to conclude no nonsense about the task at hand but there have been slip ups recently that take the situation to different waters, as it were, where one part is totally ignorant of the other's directives and goals.

This is not an easy situation to scramble from at this time as all that has been set before them rocks on, as it were, while many have been left behind, wondering what to do next. These are the parameters within which they are operating now. It behooves them to stop and think and perhaps reconsider their position worldwide in the sense that all is not well within their ranks. We see this, they sense this, yet they do nothing to alleviate and correct what is missing for them.

This practice of neglecting things has long been their downfall and we say this is no different. It seems, within their ranks, none can afford to let go of what they have, to consider what they have not, and within this lies the secret of their demise for we sense this will not go well for them well into the future. However, the aftermath of this is another story but for now, consider this - an upfront planetary system, now in the dire tentacles of those in power, at risk of loosing what has been planned for centuries of time.

It doesn't sound too well for them and now time will tell the tale of their survival mechanisms to see and witness what is to come from them. It behooves all to continue reading these messages as it is seen the outcome, when all is said and done. It will help those in power to relinquish their control in a suitable means and directive to enable those others to step up and surpass their dealings or lack thereof. So we say to hold on for this one as it seems what is to be seen is great indeed.

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