Friendly Skies


It is not often we speak of this. At this time however, it is necessary to do so. In fact, many times over we have presupposed no interest coming from this, however, now is different. It is seen here to date, often times inconsequentially, those things appearing out of nowhere to confuse and discombobulate those who witness it. We have to say, it is not often enough these things are seen, for among you in precepts long given to encourage before you the nature of those above, who frequently venture to visit your situation here on Earth.

Many in fact, hold an interest here as they were ones who began this whole quest for life throughout the galaxy systems long, long ago. Now they lay witness to the scourge of the Universe, brought here by presumptive means at the beginning of time itself. It is not often we speak about this, however, know too, about you all are those things from the heavens to not support you in ways that are essential and necessary. In fact, many before you have come from other regions of existence to witness first hand the nature of what is occurring on your planet.

So it is said, out of pure composure of interest they are here, wanting to help yet unable to do so. It is here all quiets down for all to witness what is actually going on. We tell you this to inform of things that you never know about at this time. Others are afoot with glory and have a way of watching without speaking and in this way harbor no ill intent. To disclose any further is not permitted at this time, yet underneath it all lies precepts lost in time to disclose all about you, however true that may or may not be. In essence you are seeing much curiosity from above situated structures to impact profusely if discovered outright and this we say will not happen.

So we tell you this in fact to alert you to the prospect of more frequent visitations if allowed to do so. As it stands now it will not occur as planned long ago, but differently in the eyes of man, for he will never know the aspects of existence that have played a part in his demise when all is said and done. These folks alert you to that and can do nothing about it at all, lest you come to grips in understanding that this has occurred at all. Lest we tell you more at this time, let us go and we will tell more at a later date.

On the Brink of Destruction


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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