By Edward on Thursday, 23 March 2023
Category: World Stage

The Imperative Journey

During the days ahead there will be much to think about. At this time also it is said to do your best is imperative. Now, at long last, we give you the third element of this treatise, and that is of course, to go within to find that which is missing from everyday life and its considerations.

At this time it is seen many who succumb to this as such, and as often as we say it, many more do not at this time. So we say once again, do yourself a supreme favor and follow the road inward on account all things laid bare will make sense, indeed. For as we see it, there is no distinguishing characteristic so important as that which allows the entrance within*. This is seen among folks of all kinds of backgrounds, not just one. Try as we might it has failed to introduce this to others who are capable of doing this, but have found themselves preoccupied with many other things so as to take attention away from the primary object of their concern...themselves.

It is seen here detrimental activity has taken precedence over acknowledging the Spirit within. It is often seen the consequences of such measures brought forth for all to see as well. This alone is dutiful testimony to the necessity of bringing this forward for yourself and all around you. You do not understand the implications being brought forth here - for as you know - if there is nothing to take advantage of when the going gets rough. And this we see as a major possibility for many at hand. Dutifully scrutinized behaviors are lost in this situation, whereby no actions taken yield the desired results. It all happens as it is supposed to. That is, without counsel from the inner Self, naught can be expected to move forward enough to survive its infancy.

So we tell you this once again, to invigorate that which lies within and bring it forward in a timely manner. It is not just for you to experience this. It is for others as well, to accommodate their situation with care and transparency involved. This can be done thoroughly only through that which lies within. It is pure radiance lent forward by no other power than your own, and this we say without equivocation. To do this marks a hallmark of induction into those realms of being where fortitude and animosity no longer resonate for the one involved, indeed.

These are separate considerations, long lost at this point in time. It is dutifully yours to consider the outcome of all this for yourself and others. Lest this escape you, one more time we insist scrutiny be exercised at the onset here, to determine for yourself the logical outcome of such a pursuit of your own making - to infiltrate the darkness within which you are harboring a glorious precision of being, lost forever in the annals of time. It is seen here the process involved is not sanctimonious, however sought. Only you can determine the proper efforts to put in for yourselves to bring this forward here and now.

Take care within for you do not see at present time the nature of that sought within, and we tell you point blank, to deter yourself further is disadvantageous at best. Consideration is appropriate here, to bring yourself to a position whereby you care less about all preferences seen in today's world, but rather rely on a sense of beauty and transparency to bring yourself forward and out of the mud of existence, prepared for you long ago by those in charge of a situation all have found themselves in.


*[What is the 'distinguishing characteristic' you speak of that allows the doors to open within?]

The distinguishing characteristic is determination. It is seen here many who have access are determined at heart. Here they have seen the means by which this has all occurred. Not until this is done will all be sanctified. At this time too, inevitably speaking, we see all sources of discontent pivot on this one aspect of being. Discontent often infuses within itself structures of harmony distorted, and we say to you indeed, this is what has been seen long ago and now as well.

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