By Edward on Monday, 06 January 2025
Category: Personal Considerations

That Which Counts


[Once again Spirit speaks to the importance of bringing forward the Inner Being within yourself. There have been many messages attesting to this, so it can be assumed that this is important to do at this time. This message is for everyone.]

Let us continue. As we were saying, it's not about to get any easier for we see here on Earth are a few who understand the nature of what is to come for them. It is seen also, fewer still who engage in That Which Counts.{end-texte}The Inner Being It is seen here also stupendous results being by those who care enough to bring these things forward in their lifetime and this indeed favors many in the process.

It is here we must dwell at this time, for within you lies That Which Counts. In and of this we see, favorably speaking, the essence of One, wrought on another who adamantly claims no such thing exists. It is here, favorably speaking, we care to cross the paths [of those] who think this not true and say to you, "Just what are you doing?"

In and of itself it ponders the exclusion of others, in a way not satisfactory to your range of thinking and we say to you that is a fault, an error of grand proportions. It is inevitable this is understood, yet now contentions rise and discipline fails to attend such measure. However too, it is clear this is not the case and those who suffer most are indelibly stricken on the record as not having been privy to That Which Lies Within, and this is seen as remedy indeed, when you get to know this being, first hand.

Inevitably it will come about in due time, however now, it is important to understand time is running short to implode within, the necessary stature of being required to house such a One. In and of this we implore you all to continue with all senses intact until that moment in time when all is revealed and you are content once more within the realms of darkness, now seen as a shadow only by which all life becomes tolerable one more time.

It is essential to commit to this once again as all about you have been seen before in an arena such as this, moving forward as necessitated by the occasion at hand. Here we wish to tell you many things about yourself, however only one will do, and that is you are scoped out to deliver on this it is seen here. Do not deny it for you are equipt with the necessary factors for bringing this forward. It is essential to do so, and that is quickly known as remedy in action.

It does no good to complain it is not working, when right beside you claims another stance of that who knows the difference between what can and cannot be accomplished here on the Earthly plane, and this, it is said, is readily available to anyone who wants it with diligence and fortitude to support their mission.

It is heard here, reminiscent of times past when all things crumbled in the disharmony of being alive, that folks like this would imply fortitude on a different level than is now seen. It is said this is true, however too, you are used to subjugation to that which does not matter, and that alone is enough to bring you down and unavailable to life's greater interests of being at peace with self and others alike.

It is said here too, you are not going to do this alone for you will have help within which all can be accomplished. Let this go for now, yet understand completely and thoroughly you are doing what is needed at this time by becoming your Self of All. It is here you will thrive. Nowhere else. Indeed.

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