By Edward on Thursday, 25 February 2021
Category: Personal Considerations

Souls of Creation

It is known the cause and effect from which you sprang forth into existence. Firstly, be it known Creator set in motion those with whom it would be beneficial to bring forth with powers and abilities to help serve the cause of his knowership, in that to reflect on what it was capable of, these things had to be put in place. A group of souls was constructed to aid in this endeavor, knowing full well the agenda and what it would take to accomplish this. In fact, all such souls are now on missions to fully comprehend the nature of the business at hand, knowing one's self completely and unequivocally.

In that light it is seen the role each is playing at this time for it is without the knowledge of each other that they operate within, and it is seen this venture is one of a lifetime of experiences to put at ease the discontent seen so far today.

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