By Edward on Wednesday, 26 May 2021
Category: Personal Considerations

Moving Forward

There is little truth to be seen in the affairs of men at this time. No one knows how to effectively deal with what is given to them without making up a story or two all about it to enable themselves to deal more effectively with the problem at hand presented to them. This is about to change, for when mankind is enveloped in a situation which requires clear thinking there is little left to be had for no one, and we do mean no one knows for sure which way the tree will fall when it comes to recent events seen on the horizon.

At this time it behooves everyone to conclude their affairs with dignity and scope of vision to include all others in sanctifying relationships throughout the land, for in these times there are no situations where freedom is left to roam and this is when all comes home to roost once again. So we say in effect, the time is right to consider what is being done as an adjunct to situations needed to be seen by all involved in the demise of a planetary system, so convoluted with actions it defies principles based on logic and forthrightness.

In these times we say hold on and buckle up. The time is near and we say this unequivocally, while the iron is hot, to get up off your self and do what is needed to move yourself forward at this time. This event will not last in its offering and once again we say the time to act is now, not tomorrow or yet another day in the future. Now is the time to move yourself into position to accept and substantiate the situation at hand and bring yourself further along than you could imagine, for in these times lay precepts laid bare for all to see and witness so that they, too, may be included in the rise of mankind to the effortless being he was designed to be.

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