By Edward on Tuesday, 02 March 2021
Category: Personal Considerations

Making Way

With these things said it is important to know what befalls a country when all seems to have gone wrong in the wake of disastrous usurptions by those in charge. What it comes down to is this for the forerunners of time unequivocally settled on this for their solution to a plight so beset with misgivings, it is no wonder this had to be done.

In the forefront are all those things which incur blame and trepidation from those who would not know what to do otherwise. It is said when all things crumble, left standing will only be what is left of those that have incurred the wrath so presented them. In this light we see beginnings taking shape to reinforce the wherewithal of those involved in bringing a planetary structure into place where all is seen as it is and nothing more, nothing less.

It has been this way as of late, when all have come to surround those in charge of crimes against nature and those that hold such sanctions dear. Without saying too much about this there are times when all must be let go of to make room for that which will enable all those present to succumb to ideals that all men hold dear to themselves. In this way it matters not what is known about that which enslaves at its core for these sanctions hold fast the truths presented in them.

When all has gone awry, as it has, there is nothing left to hold onto and in this way all is lost and those wishing reform get none in return as all are absolved from having anything to do with it. Now and then, when all has quieted down, there is seen on the horizon those which will, in fact, succumb to what is to prevail for all in this time. In effect, those so doing this know well in their hearts the means by which all shall be accomplished, inasmuch as it can be at the time.

So we say to watch and notice how all this plays out. In and of itself it is not important what prevails for nothing can rectify the situation now seen on the planetary screen.

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