The Light of Darkness

The Light of Darkness

To all around you it is seen from a perspective whereby there are no ends in sight, just aforementioned duality in play. We say, to avoid discomfort on an emotional level it is best to adhere to those things which rock the being in forward ways...It best to say, now, while the iron is hot, and it is, go forth to assume that which is yours from the eons of time. Rest not in acquiescence and move forward to claim that which is yours, forever and forever.

Realize too, in the midst of what is seen taking shape around, there are forces of will that juxtaposition themselves throughout, making any claim forthright a serious imposition. Therefore, in going forth adhere to the sanctions given and avoid at all costs that which would dissuade you from being in the correct position to receive these gifts. It is said, and listen well, that those who would move forward in the light must have conquered the dismal rays of darkness and risen above their vibratory patterns. You cannot be immersed in darkness and expect the light to shine while covered in mire and glop from centuries of misgivings and non truths. It is seen before all, the light has its way of verifying its presence within and knows intrinsically where it stands in relationship to that where it is located. Beyond all doubts lurks the One and All who, for other reasons, bequests the gift of life and laughter on those who see beyond its presence.

Go on and see what we mean as all darkness is but a play of light, disguised for a moment in time, awaiting its unveiling.

The Days of the Best and the Worst


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Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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