By Edward on Sunday, 24 December 2023
Category: Personal Considerations

Considerations for the Days to Come

At this time we reference things long gone. At this time also we reference those things about to occur for you know not at this time that which you will see for yourself. At the outset we think it fair to say, in your case, you are about to take part in an experiment of grand proportions. In and of this we reference those days when it was told at the outset, these things seen here occurring in the future days of Earth are not sumptuous in and of themselves, they are disturbing beyond all predilection, based on systems of abuse far gone awry in the systems of life. It is fair to say, appropriately so, these systems are due for a downtrodden expression of existence on those seen to be having an affair with them.It is seen also, detrimental activity pursue those in charge when the going gets tough. As this is the case, we reference those situations now and bequeath upon you the knowing of how all this is to turn out. At the outset, be informed, clearly so. To determine otherwise is not acceptable. Neither is disturbing the peace within which you will flourish. So we see this clearly from here and Above. These things are destined to occur. For some all hell will break loose. For others, satisfied with themSelves Within, will see other prospects of existence.It is at this time too we reference those times of yore to distribute the essential notices due to you all at this time, especially as it is seen many do not understand that which is about to occur. Unless it is said otherwise, do not deny the reasons for being at this moment in time, for you are here to do the work of 1,000 lifetimes put together. Often it is noted Above that this is due to situations gone awry indeed, and indeed this is so.We ask you now to determine for yourselves the nature of that harbored Within as all causes relate to that now at this time. We ask you also to disturb the peace no more in the effort to disturb as little as possible in the future days, seen here distinctly so. Finally, we ask you also to disband with clear thinking of abusive means by which all demise is referenced here. They will not do any longer and best left by the wayside.We ask that you dispense with critical thinking about those others who have no sense about them and let them go, for they will find themselves in a different arena of madness and this is to envelop them shortly. For others we say well done. In the eyes of Him Above will reference clarity in the eyes of all, at the time of doing what must be accomplished.We reference once again, those states of being whereby all is lost to that which is held Within, in no account of suffering indeed. It is here you will find your peace in indomitable measure. At this time too, know for yourself the inalienable distinction between those so caught up in things and those so caught up in peaceful things Within. This is seen here clearly indeed and prospects await those so interested in doing so.

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