Advancing of the New System


As you know, situations out of hand are no good to you, so we suggest you keep away from those who disrupt the peace about you. It is fine indeed if you interact on a personal note, however do not concede to any trouble from others at this time. As we were saying before, be well aware of the aftermath to come, for it is you who must endure through it. As we see it indeed, trouble starts imploding shortly, and we admit to those around you who know well in advance of this coming forward, that they must, in their own way, endure for themselves as well as others.

It is here we'd like to dwell for an instant of time, for well within their grasp lies understanding on a very rich level of understanding - that is to say, well in their awareness are those sorts of things to deter them from moving as they'd like. It is here for a moment we'd like to stop and discuss what it appears to be like when there is no structure built to accommodate the needs of others. What do they do in fact, to keep moving along as they are seen to do? It must be kept adrift as it were, to keep all sails up amidst catastrophe at hand.

This admits to those times seen here where others dutifully employed at one time, now have nowhere to compensate themselves at large. As this is the case, where do they go, what do they do? As a matter of seeing,we say this about them, for it is seen within our grasp, of efforts made to succumb to systems lost at sea as well, and this is dangerous as all leads to scum and social decline as all who were available to work now have trepidation about all in front of them, and this surmises difficulty at least.

So we tell you this now as these folks are on the run. They desire/need sustenance alike and can find none around. It is to their cause we say to stock up and be prepared. This is no easy vigil to endure where all about you scurries at night in search of that which they need. It is unheard of in the times of men, yet must be seen and endured to bring forth alternative situations of benefit to all, inclusively.

This will not do to incur grief over all that occurs. You would do well to consider that as you move along into the brighter days of tomorrow, not yet seen on the horizon. This we can say conclusively at this time. It is important to know not the style involved in bringing things forward, but rather how they are considered to help and not hinder to all who are involved. This is the advancing of a new system for those who concur to take part in it.

Others are content to do their best outside the contingencies of ready-built systems, ready to implode. This we see clearly and we say to those who have ears to hear, let it be said lightly and without contagion - yours is to do the best you have to offer, nothing more. And with this we will leave at this time.

Future Days
Considerations for the Days to Come

Comments 1

Guest - Ruth on Monday, 05 February 2024 13:39

Kind of sounds like do your best and good luck!

Kind of sounds like do your best and good luck!
Wednesday, 16 October 2024

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