By Edward on Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Category: Excerpts

The Seduction of the Dark Side

So instead of moving forward with you at this time let's step back a bit and test the waters from there. It is seen at this time the remnants of times past, encroaching on your world in several areas of being. These remnants are of two fold experience, and beg you to participate in their being once again. These things are often seen as troublesome in ways for they forsake all that has been done so far and they urge the other parts of yourself to come forward and play with them once again.

You feel this, you know this is the case. They can be seen on all fronts, waiting for your participation with them once again and we say this has occurred over several arenas recently and has been declined by you in these hours. This is but a start to what will entail shortly for you, for in these times lie the precepts of darkness encroaching upon you in any means possible for they do not want to lose you, as it were. All things are sacred to them and they want what they desire to be theirs.

Now is where the story takes a turn for the worse for in abdicating to these powers or forces, much is led astray within, and this is seen in situations where there are no boundaries in place for you to work from. So this must be set in stone, otherwise they will preempt all that has been done thus far and leave you hanging once again by your feet, unsure which side is up and which is down.

So we say at this time beware the powers that be stalking you at this time. They've never had a better opportunity to strike and will make the attempt repeatedly until that time when, decidedly,  they see there is no opportunity to sway you. These are the times that try men's souls and for you it is no different. Be strong and aware, firm in your convictions and this will see you through. Otherwise much time will be wasted in the conclusions of what is to occur for you. So be well with this as it is a part of life for those who wish to move forward in life's ways and this has always been the case and we see this now enveloping you as well.

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