By Edward on Monday, 19 July 2021
Category: Excerpts

Subterfuge and The Prefects

Without effort we will address you at this time for it is seen in and of itself the results of Prefects in operation at this time. The Prefects, as you know, were surmounted long ago to produce for ones such as yourself, guidelines to adhere to, to bring about transformations on your planet, Earth. It is seen at this time Prefects of long ago that have been misused by those who would do you harm in that they were taken from their abode and moved to another place. In and of itself this is of little consequence as the Prefects are still in force today, shielding and protecting those within its grasp.

So we say to you, in spite of this there is danger afoot in those areas of life where these were intended to prosper. The Prefects, in effect, grant those in power with the recluse needed to bring them forward in time, and here it is seen they may be bound up as it were with other things, preventing their mission from continuing here on Earth. So we say to you, these Prefects are honorable locations whereby they serve the whole of mankind, without refute, still and of today as it were long, long ago. In and of these things we see the demise of those who have tampered with them to set free forces detrimental to mankind. These things always occur in pairs and here is no different for those involved have tried twice to abscond with such treasures, the first unsuccessfully, the second we will wait and see, but, in fact, there is no loss from this in your arena as they hold true at this time. There never was or will be a situation whereby these will be allowed to be taken or upheaved with, for they are too important to be considered temporal markers or such.

So we say much has occurred recently and this is something to keep in mind as you move through your day. Subterfuge occurs on all levels, not just the wide open physical reality, and here it is no different. Things come and things go for this is Creation at its finest hours, bringing about that change which will inflict much on those involved with it. We say this knowing full well the general outcome, for it was preordained long ago as you well know, and in and of this there are found suitors who care for little other than their own well being and this, we say, is an error in need of correcting, in as much as can be done at this time.

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