By Edward on Sunday, 01 November 2020
Category: Uncategorized

About these Messages

Humanity is at a precipice. It now has the unique opportunity to free itself from its created past and the chains of the deceitful and abusive system that has kept it bound and ensnared for millennia. However, humanity must make a choice - either to maintain the present course and continue to grovel at the feet of others, or assume their rightful place in the cosmos as the sovereign beings they were designed to be. This is the central theme of these messages which clearly portray the decision humanity has been tasked to deal with at this time, as well as how choices will affect the direction of your own life path. The stakes are high. No one is left out and the choices you make now will open or close the doors of future pathways you may wish to travel. It's time to wake up. 

In Spirit's own words:

"Within these words are power and conviction that cannot be messed with. Be not concerned about what others may think as we have said before...these things that are discussed are not personal and private, but are meant for others to peruse, read and take into consideration for their own benefit or not. It is not frivolous material, but poignant information that can sustain many in their quest for freedom and operation in these darker times. Be it known that in these matters it behooves you to put forth what is received as there is a long haul ahead that must be dealt with in spite of what you may think or what it seems like on the surface. We say this to assure you that what is received is not in vain. It has purpose for you and for others, to notice a perspective that is moving forward into your timeline. A situation, as it were, to be dealt with that will avail no one if it is not seen clearly."

"It is seen, far and wide, that which will make a user of said documents presented to you [blog posts] able to conjure within themselves the source of their search within. Those who are fortunate enough to behold the thoughts put into them will benefit greatly from that, and it follows, without saying, these people are well aware of what is to transpire within when these are read."

"It is within these facts that we tell you they are imbued with an energy consisting of particles sown deep in the psyche of individuals to do their work before all is said and done. It behooves them to continue to read, as posted, for it enables them to keep in touch with the rhythm presented to them. In this way you assist in their development and continue your work at the same time. It is an affluent occurrence as benefits are sown equally across the board."

[Do people have to read everything given or is what is posted enough?]

"They can read what is posted, this will enable them to get their feet wet and see what it means to be enveloped in energy that is positive and unobtrusive. This energy will grow within when properly nourished."

"When putting forth information know in your heart that what occurs in the aftermath is not of your concern. It is otherwise. The concern of others is weighted against what they perceive to be true, not the other way around. Do what you can to influence those who know no better and delve into the darkness with unobstructed views of reality brought forth by our words. Our words are potent, filled with feeling and knowledge borne of experience and we say this alone is reason enough to include them as you see fit, but include them. They will prosper and be in kind part of the race to secure that which has been lost for centuries. You have the gift, now use it, worldwide. It is appropriate and necessary for some to hear words they would not normally sense with their own ears. In the event of a discrepancy in the information given, it is always seen there is a reason, a timeline, a fracture, and what is said is hinged upon that."
