Messages of clarity, directed to those for pondering and contemplating a deeper understanding of themselves, the forces at play and the situations presented to them.

It is time to discuss with you the aftermath of all things known to occur, for without doubt these things will come to fruition when the time is right for doing so. We see the following, inconcl...
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At this time we reference that which is all about you. In and of itself we see this completely, thoroughly beaming through everything - as it is seen here, dutifully so. As we mention this it is...
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At this time we reference those before you to come forward as you have for us. To do this requires effort of persistent capability and we see that clearly. It will be a matter of time to witness...
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At this time we warn you to be careful in the coming days and months, for before you lies treachery on an unprecedented scale, coming forward to meet you head on. In actuality, this amounts to m...
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At this time we enforce the Doctrine of Sustainability for within all things lies that which has no name. At last we reference that as it is, totally alone, totally at ease, and with nothing to ...
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As you know, all about you is going to change, as it is seen here, dutifully so. It is inadvertent to discuss this further, yet those about you too, have no inkling this is about to take place. ...
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