By Edward on Friday, 19 July 2024
Category: World Stage

Bearing Witness

At this time we inform you of things to come. We see this clearly. At the outside we would say indeed, these things to come suffice all conclusions about them, as what you are about to witness shakes the Earth with great force and magnitude. You will see casualty for sure as this is a makeshift operation coming from Above - that is to say, without account. So we tell you these things now to ready yourself Within, as it is seen many times over these things coming to fruition. Later on there will be much to do to clean up after all is said and done. We warn you to stay put at this time for where it occurs seldom has any force about it, and we witness that now fading into the past history with all said and done.

At this time we favor those about you who declare they are of God, as it is seen the influence they do bring to the situation now facing those on Earth. At the outset these folks demonstrate they are of God by favoring those among you who know no better about things of wisdom and such, and have no disregard for life. It is seen here and Above those who do not are favored here as well. Those who do not care have no applicable talents by which they can help those below. And we say that knowing full well the choices they made are forever haunting them at this time.

As you well know, these are times when all about you comes down to face the treason and the treachery imparted on man for centuries at a time. As this progresses know too, about to come down will significantly alter those about you who care less about it all. As this progresses you will notice them giving way to those precepts which honor those aforementioned, and when this does occur you will be amazed how this affects them at their feet. You, too, honor this, and we say above all that to tamper with justice in these situations will not be allowed. They have fallen where they will, and nothing can be done about it. 

So we tell you this to confirm [that] within all things sanctioned, this will be one of the most difficult to bear witness to. We see this occurring shortly and will last several months of time as all is cleansed off this planet. So we tell you this to confirm once again, things are moving forward and the part you play is important. Know this to be true.

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